F. Nordemann:
A communication-optimizing middleware for efficient wireless communication in rural environments
Proceedings of the 9th Middleware Doctoral Symposium of the 13th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Montréal, Canada, December 2012.
E. S. Reetz, D. Kümper, A. Lehmann, R. T?njes:
Test Driven Life Cycle Management for Internet of Things based Services: a Semantic Approach, in VALID 2012
The Fourth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (pp. 21-27), Lisbon, November, 2012. (Download)
U. Trick, M. Steinheimer, P. Ruhrig, R. T?njes, D. H?lker:
Smart Grid-Integration von Haushalten mittels Vernetzung und Energie-Community.
VDE-Kongress 2012 ?Smart Grid – Intelligente Energieversorgung der Zukunft“, Stuttgart, November 2012.
F. Nordemann, F. Kraatz, R. T?njes:
Kooperierende mobile Ad-Hoc-正规赌篮球软件 (MANETs) und drahtlose Sensornetzwerke (WSNs) im Umfeld der Agrarwirtschaft, Workshop Drahtlose Sensor-Aktor-正规赌篮球软件
22. Internationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Mittweida, October 2012, Mittweida.
M.Fischer, R.T?njes:
"Generating Test Data for Black-Box Testing using Genetic Algorithms"
7th IEEE International Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE 2012), Krakau, Poland, 17. - 21. Sep. 2012
W. Wang, S. De, R. T?njes, E. Reetz, and K. Moessner
“A Comprehensive Ontology for Knowledge Representation in the Internet of Things”
in 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), June, pp. 1793–1798.
R. T?njes, E.S. Reetz, K. Moessner, P. Barnaghi:
A Test-driven Approach for Life Cycle Management of Internet of Things enabled Services
Accepted for 21th Future Networks & Mobile Summit 2012 Conference Proceedings, Berlin, Germany, June 2012.
U. Trick, M. Steinheimer, P. Ruhrig, R. T?njes, D. H?lker, M. Fischer:
Herausforderungen an die Kommunikationstechnik im Smart Home/Grid.
VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation 2012, Osnabrück, Mai 2012
E.S. Reetz, M. Knappmeyer, S.L. Kiania, A. Anjumc, N. Bessisc, R. T?njes:
"Performance Simulation of a Context Provisioning Middleware based on Empirical Measurements"
accepted for Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, International Journal of the Federation of European Simulation Societies - EUROSIM, 2012
R. T?njes, E.S. Reetz, K. Moessner, P. Barnaghi:
"A Test-driven Approach for Life Cycle Management of Internet of Things enabled Services"
accepted for 21th Future Networks & Mobile Summit 2012 Conference Proceedings, Berlin, Germany, June 2012
F. Nordemann, R. T?njes:
Bewertung von Routing Protokollen für Ad-hoc Netze in landwirtschaftlichen Anwendungsszenarien
17. ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation, Osnabrück, Mai 2012.
M. Knappmeyer:
A Context Provisioning Middleware with Support for Evolving Awareness, PhD Thesis (Supervision: N. Baker, R. T?njes)
University of the West of England, Bristol, March, 2012.
E.S. Reetz, M. Knappmeyer, S.L. Kiani, N. Baker and R. T?njes:
"Performance Evaluation of a Context Provisioning Middleware"
IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), January 30 - February 02, 2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
F. Nordemann, R. T?njes:
Transparent and Autonomous Store-carry-forward Communication in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs), IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)
January 30 - February 02, 2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA.